About Me

Field of Dreams
I’ve loved baseball for as long as I can remember. I remember getting my first wiffle ball bat when I was two years old, I would stand in my backyard swinging in circles trying to hit the ball. From that day on I’ve continued to learn that in baseball you will fail more than you succeed and that’s the battle in this sport. Moving up levels as you go through the sport is one of my favorite things about it. Unlike any other sport as you get bigger so does the field, from the fence, to the base paths, to the pitchers mound. The experiences going from 46/60 to 50/70 up to 60/90 have created some of the best memories of my life. High School ball has been an incredible 3 years and I can’t wait for my senior season next year. I’m just hoping to move up another level and have the opportunity to compete in college.